The Toronto Film Critics Association, in Canada, considered the Brazilian “Bacurau” to be the best foreign film of 2021. The Brazilian drama and western feature film created by Kléber Mendonça Filho and Juliano Dornelles had already won the same category at the New York Critics Association Awards.
“Bacurau” depicts the story of a small settlement in Brazil’s remote backcountry, which is shaken by the death of its elderly matriarch. But something strange is happening in the village, and there’s little time for mourning. The water supply has been cut off, animals are stampeding through the streets, and empty coffins are turning up on the roadside. One morning, the villagers wake up to find their home has disappeared from satellite maps completely. Under threat from an unknown enemy, “Bacurau” braces itself for a bloody and brutal fight for survival.
The Toronto critics also revealed which were the two other foreign films most voted by the members, completing a kind of “podium” of the category. “Another Round” (from Denmark) and “A Tall Woman” (from Russia) appeared on the list.
“Bacurau”, which was released in 2019 in cinemas, was also nominated for the Independent Spirit Awards (the Oscar for independent cinema) and is progressing in the competition for BAFTA (the British Oscar).
See the trailer below